Counter strike global offensive server browser
Counter strike global offensive server browser

counter strike global offensive server browser

Things were a little different on Mirage as G2 started on the T side. But G2 comfortably got the 4 needed rounds with a string of 3 towards the end, although things looked scary as the score read 13-11 at one point and NiP were in touching distance. But it was ‘NiKo’ that truly set the stage on fire with 23 CT kills and only 8 deaths.Īfter a 12-3 half, G2 let their foot off the pedal and NiP seemed to mount a comeback of their own much to the crowd’s pleasure. G2 had their fair share of clutches as well, with nexa first, and then huNter- going ham in the second half.

counter strike global offensive server browser

The crowd was dead silent at this display from the Swedes, as they were flying high after their qualification to the Legends Stage. They didn’t let the Swedes win any consecutive rounds and were 10-1 up after 11 rounds. The first map started with absolute wreckage from Nikola ‘NiKo’ Kovac and co.

Counter strike global offensive server browser